The Podcast page for Bikem Ekberzade’s bi-weekly radio program on Acik Radyo is a Turkish rendition of her latest book Standing Rock.
Podcast page:
Dikilen Kaya: Petrol, Açgözlülük ve Lakotaların Adalet Mücadelesi
PRO•PA•GAN•DA (2015)
Pro•pa•gan•da is the second part of a triptych by Bikem Ekberzade and Özge Ersoy, first part of which tel•e•gen•ic (ˌtɛl ɪˈdʒɛn ɪk) was a book, a collection of ideas, thoughts and random recollections on the status of the image and the role it plays in writing near history. The book was produced by the SPOT Production Fund, Istanbul with contribution by Thomas Keenan.
Images shape our everyday lives more frequently now than ever. Cell phones, tablet PCs, small mobile devices with cameras are constantly in use, and images, from all corners of the world including those in conflict, are being disseminated continuously. How much of this is registering in our conscience and how much of it is helping write near history?
– excerpted from the book
“Amber’15 kapsamında, fotomuhabiri Bikem Ekberzade ve küratör Özge Ersoy, yakın zamanda basında yer alan şiddet görselleri, bu görsellerin propaganda gücü ve sanat pratikleri üzerindeki etkisi gibi konuları ele alacakları bir sohbet düzenliyor. Gazeteci Mahmut Bozarslan’in da Skype aracılığı ile katilacağı bu söyleşi, Bikem ve Özge’nin 2014’te SPOT Projects Üretim Fonu tarafından yayımlanan tel•e•gen•ic (ˌtɛl ɪˈdʒɛn ɪk) isimli kitaplarının devamı niteliğinde.
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